Saturday, March 2, 2024

Nelson and the Newspapers

"Sometimes I read parts of letters or articles to Snuggles."

As much as Nelson lived alone for many years, he was still very interested in the happenings of the world abroad. Visitors would bring him newspapers, which were not only of interest to him but were handy as a table covering or to start his wood stove. Here, from his letters, are a few things that intrigued, distressed and impressed our friend Nelson:

What distressed Nelson in the news:


i read in the newspapers, and the world turns more disgusting to me day by day. Now they are harping on the harlots; laws and more laws; but not a word that there is any sin in what they are doing. Now the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that stores stay open on Sundays. That is in the interest of Religious Freedom—after all, some Satan-worshipper may want to buy a pack of fags [i.e., cigarettes] on Sunday.


It is saddening to see how, in these latter days, the devil is working every foul scheme to break up marriages and homes.


There is for sure that falling away we are warned of but why dwell on the subject? It is all about us in the news and even in the air. Yet whilst on the subject have you noticed the toys in the catalogues? Outright demonic. So if a young child is brought up on such things what must we expect them to be when grown? 


How people are driven crazy by Satan over money, so it is a cause of higher, higher and higher. 


i was sickened yesterday to read that they are killing babies in Port Alberni. i had just assumed the Port Alberni was free from that curse but “no,” Satan gets around.


That roof falling in [re: news of a new grocery store roof collapsing]—i should think that would be a slowdown to opening a new business, even in Vancouver; really, that was a bit too blatant an opening gimmick.


i have been seeing and reading too much how Satan uses people, innocently or otherwise (Judas for example) to try to wreck God’s plans. So it behooves us to try to keep in step with Jesus. 


What blessed Nelson in the news:


National Geographic, November 1978. Beside the River Shannon in a little earth-floored cottage lived (or might still be living, God knows) Jerry Martin, a fiddle maker, making at age 81 his last of 75 fiddles. On the wall hangs a notice: 

No Cursing

No Filthy Talk

No Waste of God’s Name

Allowed Here

This is so very good that the Land Lady wishes for one, so i am doing what i can to bring one forth.

i have a wonderful story to tell you about a wonderful little girl which i have fallen in love with. In the month of April, the newspaper up in Port Alberni puts on a writing contest in all the schools from Grade 1 through Grade 12. Well, it so happened that Mary brought a paper, the very paper with the 1988 writing contest section in it. i thought, so what, no interest here! and then i again thought, “i shall just force myself through this stuff to see if i can savvy what kind of trash is on the minds of the upcoming generation.” And so glad i did: there was but one of interest to me but that one is a treasure to me and here she is:

Now isn’t that sweet? i am so impressed with her that i am sending her an 1893 Life of Christ which i think is well written and will be a keepsake for her.

UP NEXT: Corrections and clarifications sent in by readers of The Island and i. Plus, some tiny metal artwork pieces you have likely never seen before.

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