The Island and i: Nelson Dunkin of Copper Island is now available! I have begun sending out copies to those who contributed to the project—whether directly or through Kickstarter—and the first to receive books have been the furthest away, like Margaret on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland (where Mina was born) and another person in Ontario. But others should begin receiving them soon.
Thank you for your amazing support! You pledged/contributed a total of $3536 of the $1500 goal (or 236%) to pay for the first—and now second—printing of the book. This allowed me to order colour prints of the books for the backers of the fundraiser and to print many more books to be sold publicly, with proceeds going to help kids get to camp this summer.
On this website, I will regularly post any stories, photos, letters and memories that emerge after the book is published or that were not included in the book. If you have memories or memorabilia of Nelson and Mina to share, please contact me. You can also comment on any post by clicking on the word "comments" at the bottom of the post.
Please spread the word about this book! Copies can be purchased by contacting me or online at Amazon.
One last thing: I will be in Port Alberni to do a book signing on Saturday, February 10th from 1-3 PM at SteamPunk Cafe on 3rd Ave. Come and pick up your cop(ies), and stay to chat over a cup of tea! I hope to see many of you there.